look... stay.. read... think.. leave..
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
i still am complaining. looks like it's the only thing constant in my life right now. i am not proud of it. i find that i still can't set my priorities straight as to where i wanna go, or what i should be doing. funny thing is, i just know i should be somewhere else. the destination's all set, it's the journey that i haven't figured out yet. and time's running out on me. i fear that if i wait a little longer, i'll be losing too much and end up regretting not taking chances when i still can.
how come things are always so simple when you're playing the spectator's part..? i would know what to say to another soul who'd be going through the same situation i am in right now, but i can't find the courage to do the right thing. i am not even sure if it'll be the right thing to do. i only wish i'll be able to do something, anything at all. i find that i still am trapped in a box. caged. one i created for myself. darn.
it's a big world out there. i am nowhere near reaching my goal. i haven't even started trying to get them. not even close.
and here i am whining.
story of my life..